A Basic Cannabis Primer

Medical Cannabis Information

400+ chemicals in Cannabis

60 of these 400 chemicals are cannabinoids

Main psychoactive ingredient: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

 Cannabinoid receptors naturally exist in the brain. They are activated by a neurotransmitter called anandamide (a chemical belonging to the cannabinoid family, like THC).

  • THC mimics the actions of anandamide, meaning that THC binds with cannabinoid receptors and activates neurons

High concentrations of cannabinoid receptors exist in the hippocampus (memory), cerebellum (coordination) and basal ganglia (unconscious muscle movement).

The terminal half-life of THC is from about (20 hours – 10 days)

Concentration of THC and other cannabinoids varies: growing conditions, plant genetics and processing after harvest.

As a cannabis plant matures, its chemical composition changes. In the early stages of plant life, the most prevalent chemical present is cannabidiolic acid.

  • Later, cannabidiolic acid è cannabidiol (CBD), laterè THC when the plant reaches its floral maturation (flowering stage).

Cannabis strains with relatively high CBD:THC ratios are less likely to induce anxiety than those with higher amounts of THC to CBD.

  • This may be due to the fact that CBD has an antagonist response at the cannabinoid receptor site, while THC has a partial antagonist effect.
    • CBD is also a “ 5-HT1A receptor agonist” meaning it decreases blood pressure and heart rate by activating a peripheral vasodialation response and stimulating vagus nerve (lowered heart rate and blood pressure).

History: human cannabis use ranges 2,000 years (28 B.C. by Chinese Records) and 3,000 (Egyptian Mummy found with THC in tomb).

Cannabis Sativa – long, stalky growth. Wispy buds. Mental, emotional effects predominantly.

Native to India, near Himalayan Mountain Range.

Cannabis Indica –  shorter, squat growth. Wide leaves, large buds. Sedative, physical effects predominantly. CBD:THC ratio 4–5 that of Sativa.

Cannabis Ruderalis – low in THC. Most strains are low THC and grown for hemp production.

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